Gold's Gyms of Wenatchee Valley
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The Art of Expressing the Human Body

Much more than just another book about Bruce Lee, The Art of Expressing the Human Body is full of exercise information. Aside from being a world-renowned 'movie star' and martial artist, Bruce Lee was first and foremost an athlete. One look at his physique in the movie Enter the Dragon and I'm sure you'll agree that he knew a little bit about working out and what it means to be LEAN. This book covers all the muscle groups of the body from legs to lats with tid-bits about the author scattered throughout. It also presents Bruce Lee's own personal view on effective exercises and is extremely detailed. As you'll see by the pictures throughout (should you decide to check out the book) Mr. Lee was extremely conditioned with very little bodyfat which doesn't come about just by 'pumping iron'. It explains various cardiovascular exercises and routines that are very efficient as well as a whole section on stretching. I read this book religiously throughout high school and used a lot of the routines and training ideas myself, and can tell you that they definitely achieve what they're said to when executed with commitment. Along with the exercise is an overview of what Bruce Lee himself followed as a diet-which is very useful for ideas. Though it may seem a bit out-dated and not as 'fresh' as various exercise books of today (especially any by some big name Hollywood star of our generation), I think at times that it's most important to get back to basics. Along with diet and nutrition is a bit about supplementation as well. You won't find anything about Creatine or N.O. Boosters but more natural, herbal remedies which are interesting to learn about. The Art of Expressing the Human Body is not only informative but also very inspiring. Bruce Lee was much more than a martial artist.  He was an athlete-always full of insights and ideas that are very thought-provoking and motivational. You may not even be remotely interested in martial arts-but don't let that deter you from at least flipping through the pages of this great book because it's not JUST for martial artists. It's always good to find new ideas and see what worked for other people as every body is you have to try something different to see what works for YOU. Charlie Wilson, ACE Certfied Personal Trainer

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Fight for Fitness

Check out some video from Charlie's Fight for Fitness program that has been getting rave reviews!!

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CSPI'S Nutrition Action Healthletter 

If you're looking for sound, un-biased food, nutrition, and health information you should try the Nutrition Action Healthletter, published by the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI). The CSPI is a non-profit health advocacy group, which mounts educational programs and presses for changes in government and corporate policies. Published 10 times a year, the Healthletter offers a wealth of information in only 15-20 pages. I find myself always reading it from cover to cover, and learning something in every issue. The writing is intelligent, while reader friendly to those without Nutrition degrees, and in certain sections delightfully funny. My favorite section is called "Right Stuff, and Food Porn". It's not usually a comparison of two similar products. Rather, one product has the 'Right Stuff', meaning it's heathly, and the advertising is trueful, while the other, the 'Food Porn' product is largely unhealthy but the buyer would not necessarily assume that based on the packaging and advertising. And although written with a sense of humor I believe the writers are challenging, and encouraging you to make an informed decision about the food you buy. And fast, yet very informative and entertaining read! You can learn more about CSPI'S Nutrition Action Healthletter at Enjoy!!

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Fruit and Nut Breakfast Bars

Prep and cook time 30 mins. Makes 8 bars 1/4 cup orange juice 1/2 cup pitted dates 1 cup whole raw almonds 1/2 cup dried apricots 1/4 cup dried plums (prunes) 1/4 tsp. salt 1/4 cup raw pumpkin seeds 1/4 cup raw sunflower seeds Preheat oven to 300 degrees. Pour juice over dates and let soak for 5 minutes. Place almonds, dried apricots, and dried plums in food processor and pulse a few times until coarsly chopped. Add salt and dates with orange juice and pulse until mixture starts to pull together. Add pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds, pulsing a few times just to incorporate. Using wet hands scoop mixture onto a work surface and form into a log about 1 3/4 in. wide and 1/2 in. thick. Flatten into a bar and cut into 8 equal pieces. Arrange pieces about an inch apart on parchment lined baking sheet. Bake 8-16 min. per side depending on how moist or dry you want them. Store in airtight container for up to 4 days or freeze them. 210 calories, 6 g. protein, 13 g. fat, 22 g. carbs, 3.5 g. fiber

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