Gold's Gyms of Wenatchee Valley
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Whats the Deal? Pre & Post Workout Shakes.

Fuel. Refuel. Repeat.
The three steps to cover when having a pre and post workout shake or drink in conjunction with your workout. Why does one need to have them you say?  Let's take a quick look as to the benefits of each.

Fuel(Pre) - A 2007 study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research found that starting your workout nutrition with a protein-and-carbohydrate shake 30 minutes prior to exercise led to a significant reduction in cortisol(a hormone that could make you fat) up to one day following the training session. Also, studies have shown that whey protein taken prior to working out increases calorie burning over a 24 hour period. Burn baby, burn!
Refuel(Post) - Protein and Electrolytes -don't leave the gym without them! Simply put, BCAA's are what comprises protein and also what your body uses to rebuild and replenish those muscles you just put through a grueling spin class, or sweat-drenched Alloy session. Electrolytes-sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium, and phosphate. Forget to replenish those after a workout and it will definitely cramp your style in the next workout. (Get it? Never mind. Moving on.) 

Repeat - Habits aren't created overnight. If you want to reap the benefits of results-whatever they may be-then you need to keep sowing those repeated good habits. In conclusion, sweat and drink up!
Eric Penya
Golds Gym Wenatchee 

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    Response: Fitness Tips
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    Nice post really very useful and interesting to see this wenatcheefitnessblog site, thank you and keep it up. Moslty sharing about wenatchee valley fitness blog, post workout shakes, keep it up.

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