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Beat The Winter Workout Rut

Winter time is hard for anyone, even the fittest of people. It's cold & wet outside, and most of the time, hanging out on the couch by the fire binge watching Netflix sounds a lot more appealing than working out. But when all the ice & snow melts, we want you to be looking shredded! So we have come up with a few great tips to stay active, healthy, and in shape during this frigid months!


1) Embrace Cold Weather Sports

There are so many fun things to do outside during these chillier months. Everything from snowshoeing, to skiing, to snowboarding, to even just going for a run outside. Don't let the cold weather hold you back from your goals. So grab your gear, or rent some, and get outside!

2) Set A Big Goal

We all know that not many people follow through with New Year's resolutions (actually only 8% of people do), but that does not mean you can't set & reach some big goals! Try and make it a concrete goal, like losing 15 pounds by April or being able to squat 300lbs by June 1st. By making it an exact amount and giving it a timeline, you are more likely to acheive your goal then if you just have some random resolutions. Also, writing them down brings your goals to eye level, so you are more likely to see them every day and be inspired.


3) Revamp Your Diet

Bring on the comfort food! Winter time is known for providing us with lots of big, warm, fatty helpings of comfort food. Along with that comes sugary drinks and dark beers. In moderation these are all fine, but as the saying goes, "you can't outwork a bad diet". Try finding healthier makeover recipes of your favorite comfort foods, go for no sugar added hot cocoa. Or, if you can, swap out the junk and heavy foods all together for whole fruits & veggies and lean proteins! You will feel less sluggish and less puffy!


4) Find A Workout Buddy

One of the best ways to ensure you stay accountable with your fitness goals, is to have a workout buddy. If you know someone is waiting for you, you are much less likely to hit that snooze button or stay on the couch. Also, having a positive workout wingman to push you in the gym is a great way to make sure you don't slack off either. By feeding off each others positive motivational energy, you are sure to get in an even better workout than you would have alone!


5) Mix Things Up

With so many different types of workouts available, winter is a great time to mix it up and try something new. Schedule a boxing session with a personal trainer, sign up for a hot yoga class, join a spin class for the first time, or go try that new circuit group at the gym. Fitness routines can become just that, routine. By trying new things and mixing up your workouts, you are a lot less likely to become bored and a lot more likely to be excited to get to your workout!


6) Television Workouts

We know there are those times where you know you can't, or just won't, go to the gym. But that shouldn't stop you from breaking a sweat and working your muscles! Just about every TV show now has a workout linked to it. Search the internet for your TV show workout. Or if you are just binge watching Netflix, roll out your mat and bust out some push-ups, lunges, crunches, and squats. Staying at home is no reason to be lazy!


7) Last But Not Least...STOP MAKING EXCUSES!

Yes it's cold. Yes it's wet. Yes it can suck. Yes that big fuzzy blanket is much more comfortable. None of these are good reasons to sit around all day and skip your workout. If you have goals you want to reach, then leave the excuses behind. Just get up, and get to it. You will thank yourself later!



Samantha Sinko
Online Marketing Manager
Gold's Gym of Wenatchee Valley
Work: (509) 663-4965



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